Eachhave(10) Refractor Parallels#'d from 150 to 1-of-1, includingNEWRose Gold#'d to 15
NEW!Sterling Signage Autographs- Various #'ing - Thetop superstars, rookies, andprospectsget theirname in lightswith thisall newinsert autograph set, destined to be a marquee piece in any collection!
NEW!Sterling Tek Autographs- Various #'ing - With anod to the British pound sterling, this insert is truly right on the money, showing off some of thegame’s top stars, rookies,andprospects.
Dual Refractor Autographs– #’d to 25
Triple Refractor Autographs– #’d to 25
Previous fourhave(5) Parallels#'d from 50 to 1-of-1
100-Card Base Set
(10) Refractor Parallels#'d from 199 to 1-of-1, includingNEWMini-Diamond Refractor#'d to 150
NEW INSERT!-Sterling Tek- #'d to 99 -(6) Parallels#'d from 50 to 1-of-1