2020-21 Panini Obsidian NBA Basketball Cards Box Hits:
(2)Autographed Cards
2020-21 Panini Obsidian NBA Basketball Cards PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS:
(2)Autographed CardsinEvery Box!
Search forautographsfrom thetop rookiesinRookie Jersey AutographsandRookie Inkin parallels such asElectric Etch Purple, Orange, Green, Yellow, Red, and the one-of-a-kindWhite Mojo!
Findautographsof thetop superstarsin the league in card sets such asGalaxy Autographs, Lighting Strike Signatures, Onyx Autographs, Volcanic Signatures, and theBRAND NEWAurora AutographsandMatrix Material Autos.
Also, findautographsof thetop superstarsandretired playersin the league in theBRAND NEWAurora AutographsandMatrix Material Autos!
(2)InsertsorParallelsinEvery Box!
BRAND NEWinsertssuch asEclipseandSupernovacan be found along with returning insertsPitch Black, Supernova,andVitreous!